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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Become a Persuasive Web Writer

One major flaw I see with websites is that the owners don't put much effort into their writing. This can make a HUGE difference in your sales, whether you're an affiliate or you sell your own products.

The best web writing book I've ever read is a book called "Make Your Content Presell!." PREselling is the process of building credibility through your writing and it's especially important to learn if you are an affiliate (i.e. someone who refers another company's products and earns commissions.)

This vital lesson is not emphasized enough and is a big reason why many people never learn to make money on the Net. It's an excellent read.

The best part...

It's free and you can download it here!

New Flash Templates

My template collection has really matured over the past couple of months. As I mentioned in September, I launched a handful of professionally designed HTML templates that you can download for free.

Now, I've added some Flash templates. Unfortunately these aren't free and when you see the design you'll understand why. :-) I've partnered with and am pleased to offer a wide selection that appeal to a variety of tastes and website themes.

They make it easy for you to pay (PayPal) and give you a nice deal if you buy in bulk. View the Flash templates here.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Don't Use a Blog If...

1) ...your blog content is an exact duplicate of what's on your site.

In other words, your blog should be a nice addition to your site...not a duplication. It should offer unique, relevant information that people won't necessarily find on your site. For search engine optimization, you should frequently link back to pages on your Web site (if applicable).

2) don't plan to blog often.

If you want your blog to become popular, it's important you update it often...otherwise, what's the point? Just like a website, you want to keep it fresh with new content so it doesn't become stale and forgotten.

3) have unrealistic expectations of what a blog will do.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very savvy bloggers out there getting thousands of visitors per day. However, that is not the norm for most bloggers. So many people think can just throw up a free blog and floods of traffic will come.

The majority of heavily trafficked blogs are owned by Webmasters who already have sites with decent traffic. A blog can be a nice traffic generator if you come up with a creative theme that offers relevant content to your audience. However, don't expect miracles.

4) don't plan to promote it.

Just like a web site, a blog needs to be submitted and promoted. There are tons of blog directories out there that will allow you submit yours for free. But don't stop there. Link it to your web site so search engines can spider it, submit articles and add it to your signature box, etc. Treat it like a website and promote it any place you can.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Webmaster's Dream Tool

I have to admit, I was a little ummm....overwhelmed by this free tool called Search It! because there are so many options. However, once I took some time to play around with it, it can be an extremely powerful assistant to your Net marketing efforts...and it's FREE!

This one tool alone will tell give you information on...

1) Your competition (where are they?)
2) Your site's popularity
3) Local business competition
4) Forums/discussion groups in your niche
5) Blogs/RSS feeds in your niche
6) How many of your site's pages are indexed in certain engines
7) And so much more...

Try Search It! today. Be careful though, you might get addicted. :-)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Boost Your Sales - FREE Book!

Make Your Site Sell! (MYSS!) is honestly the best book I've ever read on how to build a profitble website. Whether you're an affiliate or selling products of your own, this is an absolute must read.

Even at its old price of $30, it was a tremendous bargain...but now it's even a bigger bargain because it's free! Hard to believe something this good won't cost you a cent.

Download it today.